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Instructions to Enable Java Script

Instructions to Enable Java Script



Your browser's Java script capabilities must be enabled at all times while you are completing the on-line application. To enable Java script for your browser, follow the steps as shown below for the browser you use:


Netscape (version 6.1 or higher)

Select the Edit menu

Select Preferences

Select Advanced

Choose the Enable JavaScript for Navigator checkbox

Choose the OK button to update Preferences

Click the Reload button on your browser


Netscape Communicator (version 4.76 or higher)

Select the Edit menu

Select Preferences

Select Advanced

Choose the JavaScript checkbox

Choose the OK button to update Preferences

Choose the Reload button on your browser


Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 6.0 or higher)

Select the Tools menu

Select Internet Options

Select the Security tab

Choose the Custom Level button

Scroll down to Active Scripting within the Scripting category (you may need to expand the Scripting category by double-clicking its icon)

Choose the Enable button

Choose the OK button to accept the values of the settings dialogue

Choose the OK button to save the Internet Options settings

Choose the Refresh button on your browser


Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 5.5 or higher)

Select the Tools menu

Select Internet Options

Select the Security tab

Choose the Custom Level button

Scroll down to Active Scripting within the Scripting category (you may need to expand the Scripting category by double-clicking its icon)

Choose the Enable button

Choose the OK button to accept the values of the settings dialogue

Choose the OK button to save the Internet Options settings

Choose the Refresh button on your browser


Macintosh Internet Explorer (version 5.1 or higher)

Select the Edit menu

Select Preferences

Expand Web Browser

Select Web Content

In the Active Content box, select Enable Scripting

Choose the Okay button

Choose the Refresh button on your browser


Macintosh Netscape (version 6.2 or higher)

Select the Edit menu

Select Preferences

Select Advanced

Select  Enable Javascript for Navigator

Choose the Okay button

Choose the Refresh button on your browser


Mozilla Firefox (Version 1.5 or higher)

Select the Tools menu

Select Options

Select Content tab

Choose Enable JavaScript option

Choose the OK button

Choose the Reload button on your browser